La Procesionaria or Pine Caterpillar, your Dog’s Life threat in Málaga

Life threat - Procesionaria Perros Dogs Malaga ©OffsideDogs 2


*Disclaimer: Please always contrast the information with specialists and various sources. Some information has been simplified for better understanding. The content of this document is provided for guidance only, and while every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information and translations contained, no liability can be accepted for any errors omissions and inaccuracies, or for the opinions expressed herein.

There are two important bugs/insects that you need to be aware of: 

  1. “Procesionaria” Caterpillar
  2. “Leishmania” Mosquito (+info click here)

1. “Procesionaria”, the deadly Caterpillar 🐛❌ 

1.1 What is the procesionaria caterpillar? 

The Procesionaria or Pine caterpillar, one of the most important insect pests to be taken into account in Andalucía when it’s not under control.

Each specimen has about 500,000 poison darts in the form of villi. The caterpillar releases the hairs that contain toxins, harmful to humans, deadly for pets.

It usually makes its nests in pine trees and feeds on needle-pines and oak-trees.

1.2 Is it really that harmful for my dog? 


The toxins liberated by the bug’s hair produces necrosis and tissue destruction. It can cause the death of your dog in a few hours or even minutes, depending on the situation. If you are lucky, the dog will loose a part of its tongue or lip. 

Although the worst case is when the dog has been in direct contact with the bug, but also indirect-contact could be toxic if the dog steps or sniffs an area where the bug used to be, and the toxins could be spread in the air. 

This is why it is very important to avoid all pine areas during the Procesionaria Season, even when they are not visually present. 

Life threat - Belgian Malinois lost part of its tongue due to Necrosis caused by Procesionaria Caterpillar. Dogs of Malaga © Offside Dogs
Life threat – Belgian Malinois lost part of its tongue due to Necrosis caused by Procesionaria Caterpillar. Dogs of Malaga © Offside Dogs

1.3 How can the procesionaria harm humans and children?

This processionary caterpillar is covered with hairs with poisonous toxins that, when in contact with the human skin, cause hives and eye irritation, even can compromise the bronchi (specially in children). 

1.4 Symptoms 

Apart from unsteady behavior, in my personal experience what really triggered my concern was that my dog didn’t close its mouth, as if it were under anesthesia, with its tongue hanging a bit. And when I offered food or water, even though she showed desire for both, she tried and couldn’t do it, again, as if her mouth was sleeping. 

Some symptoms that could indicate your dog was in contact with the Procesionaria toxin may include some of the following:

  • Hypersalivation
  • Inflammation of the contact area.
  • Red, bruised, or black tongue.
  • Marked pain.
  • Restless or nervous behavior.
  • Swelling of the affected area.

1.5 What should I do in case my dog touched or sniffed a procesionaria? 

It is necessary to thoroughly wash the affected area with warm water and go urgently to the veterinarian and indicate immediately that you suspect your mascot could have been in contact with procesionaria. 

Please do not rub the area so as not to spread the toxin.

Personally, in Málaga, I recommend attending to the Hospital Veterinario SOS Animal, call them when you are on your way to let them know it could be urgent: 

Phone: +34 952 31 76 92.
Address: Calle Spengler, 20, 29007 Málaga.

1.6 Where can I go with my dog to avoid the Procesionaria Caterpillar? 

The best option would be to go to the beaches or any other park without pine trees. Luckily the high season for the procesionaria is the tourism low-season.. so you can enjoy the beach with your dog without getting a fine 🐕🏝.

Important! During the bathing season, pets are not allowed to enter the beaches! (from June 1 to September 30 from 10 to 8.30pm), please always confirm with local authorities. 

Málaga Beaches for Dogs:

Warning! Some little squares inside Málaga City Center (and any other city) also have this type of pines, and the “procesionaria” has been spotted in the middle of the street near one of these little squares. So, stay away from any pine tree area, even the small ones!

Also, we do not recommend going on a hike to the Montes de Málaga with your dog, that area is a pine tree forest, home to millions of caterpillars..   

To read about the Leishmaniosis in Málaga: “Leishmania” Mosquito (+info click here)

But please, do not panic. 

This article is not intended to trigger fear, but to inform and prevent any unwanted situation for you and your mascot. We really want to build awareness as every year we see cases in ER and from our trainer colleagues. There are not enough campaigns from the local hall or Málaga Institutions to build consciousness on the matter. 

Stay informed and spread the word so we keep our doggies safe and healthy! 🖤

If you wish to keep informed about legal matters, health issues, and lifestyle in Málaga or about your dog’s wellbeing in general, subscribe to our mailing list here:

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🐾\ Dog wellbeing, potentiation and advanced obedience.

*Disclaimer: Please always contrast the information with specialists and various sources. Some information has been simplified for better understanding. The content of this document is provided for guidance only, and while every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information and translations contained, no liability can be accepted for any errors omissions and inaccuracies, or for the opinions expressed herein.

End of the article.

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