The 7 Dogmmandments.

Teaching a dog «orders» is not natural for them.

Although they have advanced communication skills to understand each other, we humans can’t speak or emulate dog language.

However, we can create a communication path with them. The better we understand their needs and signals the easier it will be to follow their lead. This also will help you to tell the difference when your dog is just bored and becomes pushy to play, or when there’s something really going on with them.

Apart from this, a good communication laso means… if we want to take Firulais with us to any café, beach, park… we need to teach them a minimum of exercises so they don’t get anxious and they can enjoy the activity as much as we do!

☺️ Remember a balanced, trained dog is a happy one. 🐾

  1. You shall sit pretty when you hear the word «Sitz», and stay sited until told otherwise. Remember dear doggy, sometimes remaining sited is for you own safety!
  2. You shall lie down whenever you hear «Platz», sometimes it will take a while until we continue our promenade, so seize the rest and calm time!
  3. You shall walk beside your owner until they tell you «Free», which means you are now released to pee and poo anywhere. Or make other dog friends!
  4. You shall not run away to other dogs, pigeons or cats when your owner calls you «Hier».
  5. You shall not jump into strangers or humans, some people can fall and hurt themselves. So please, wait until people are confortable to «Say Hi».
  6. You shall stay calm and unstressed when we ask you to «Stay», no worries, we will be back! There is no point on barking at us desperately, we do love you to!
  7. You shall not disobey when we say «No». Sometimes, although that cookie in the street smells delicious, it can really harm your health!

Are you ready to start your training? contact us!

Offside Dogs - Dog Training in Málaga 2019
Offside Dogs – Dog Training in Málaga 2019

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